Gardens of Paris Sketchbook

Fabrice Moireau. (Watercolorist)
Jean-Pierre Le Dantec. (Author)


  • 290 x 250 mm — 96 pages
ISBN: 978-2-87868-286-1

Though, relative to its size, Paris has fewer parks than many other densely built capitals, few big cities can boast such a rich variety of gardens possesing such a diversity of plants and shapes. This is thanks to its history and climate.
In Parisian parks the picturesque is mingled with the geometrical, ultra-modern designs and styles with layouts centuries old.
So thoroughly acclimatised are the exotic species in these gardens that they have become common plants. And we shouldn’t overlook the city’s countless private gardens, some of them are just a mere jardinière on a balcony, others vas and hidden away behind walls.
Such is the miracle built up by a culture two thousand years old. The Paris of gardens and parks is as splendid as the Paris of streets, squares and palaces : it is partly owing to it’s gardens that it’s the most visited city in the world.

Fabrice Moireau.

Fabrice Moireau, born in 1962, graduated from the National School of Applied Arts and Crafts. From his numerous travels, he brings back sketchbooks that serve as cultural and ethnographic testimonies. Passionate about architecture, gardens, and plants in general, his ambition is to convey, through watercolors, the subtlety of the play of light and the atmosphere of a street or landscape.

Jean-Pierre Le Dantec.

Jean-Pierre Le Dantec is a professor at the National School of Architecture in Paris-La-Villette, where he heads the research team “Architecture, Environments, Landscapes.” As a writer, he has published numerous works dedicated to the art of gardens, including “Le Sauvage et le Régulier. Art des jardins et paysagisme en France au vingtième siècle” (Le Moniteur, 2002), “Splendeur des jardins de Paris” (Flammarion, 1991), “Le Roman des jardins de France” (Plon, 1987 and Bartillat, 2001), and “Enfin l’architecture” (Autrement, 1984). Jean-Pierre Le Dantec has also authored several radio and television programs dedicated to various aspects of garden and landscape creation.

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