Made Wijaya.


Made Wijaya, born in Sydney, arrived in Bali in 1973 by swimming to shore from a ship during a storm. Initially a young architecture student with plans for a short visit to the Indonesian island, he became so captivated by Balinese culture that he decided to settle there. After working as a tennis and English teacher, a tour guide, and a journalist, he started landscaping a small garden upon the request of a friend. In 1979, during a trip to the United Kingdom, Made Wijaya visited Kew Botanic Gardens and some of the grand English classical gardens. Soon after, he received his first major commission: to design the gardens for the legendary Bali Oberoi hotel.

Since then, his talent for generating fresh ideas and exploring new areas has earned him worldwide renown. As a recognized authority in tropical architecture and landscaping, he is called upon globally to create private and public gardens. In all his creations, he never forgets to pay homage to his adopted home, the enchanting island of Bali. Made Wijaya has also ventured into the production of furniture, lighting, and ornamental items, collectively known as Wijaya Classics. Additionally, Made Wijaya teaches at the National University of Singapore, encouraging architects and landscapers to treat garden design as a distinct art form.

Made Wijaya.

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