Philippe Tesson.


Born in 1928, Philippe Tesson is a journalist, editorialist, media executive, and holds a doctorate in literature.

He began his career at Combat, where he served as the editor-in-chief from 1960 to 1974. He later founded Le Quotidien de Paris, which he directed until 1994, alongside Les Nouvelles Littéraires, which he took over in 1975. During the same period, along with his wife, Dr. Marie-Claude Tesson, he established a group of medical and scientific publications, with Le Quotidien du médecin as its flagship.

A passionate theater enthusiast, he has been a theater critic since 1970, writing for various newspapers, including Le Canard enchaîné from 1970 to 1983, L’Express, and, since 1995, Figaro Magazine. Since 2000, he has been the director of Éditions de l’Avant-Scène Théâtre. In 2012, he took over Théâtre de Poche-Montparnasse, which he runs alongside his daughter Stéphanie Tesson and Charlotte Rondelez.

Throughout his career, he has also been a radio and television commentator and editorialist in the fields of politics and culture. He hosted the literary program « Ah ! Quels titres » on France 3. Currently, he is an editorialist for Le Point’s website and a columnist on Radio Classique.

He is the author of « De Gaulle Premier » (1965) and « Où est passée l’autorité ? » (2010, in collaboration with Laurent Joffrin).

Philippe Tesson is an Officer of the Legion of Honor and presides over the jury of the Prix Interallié.

Philippe Tesson.

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